Archives for the month of: Abril, 2013


A especulação promovida pelo capital anónimo está-se a virar massivamente para as plantações de eucaliptos no Brasil. O capitalismo produz desertos, bem sabemos, e alguns são verdes. Um site especializado neste género de investimentos explica os atractivos da coisa:

Greenwood Forestry Investments

Forestry investments have become a popular focus of investment over a number of years due to the favourable return/risk profile…

  • A low to negative correlation to other traditional markets offers ideal portfolio diversification
  • Forestry is an extremely good inflation hedge that has typically risen at 3.3% above the rate of inflation for over 100 years
  • Returns driven by biological growth, not by market sentiment

How it works:

  • Say you invest approximately $6-8* per tree
  • As the trees grow, they increase in size and value
  • At harvest the trees can be cut and sold for between $25-30* per tree
  • You do the maths!


Why does forestry investment perform so well?

  • Trees do not pay attention to market sentiment
  • Trees physically grow, increasing in size and value
  • Timber is a finite resource and global commodity
  • There is a multitude of end user markets that rely on timber
  • Timber does not have to be harvested if the market prices are down

A wide range of available direct forestry investments for smaller investors into large scale projects starting at under €10,000.

*Please note that the abovementioned yield rates are based on past performance. Please be aware that the value of investments can not only rise but fall.

Greenwood Management is a Forestry Management Company with plantations in North and South America. About Greenwood Management.

While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information on our website, we recommend that clients seek independent advice before involvement.

Greenwood Management, Omogade 8, 2nd Floor, 2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark.
Greenwood Management is a Danish registered company.
CVR No. 31 62 93 73 Contact Greenwood Management

Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

Greenwood Management is an established forestry investment company that provides a route to invest in forestry and timber without a large outlay. Although forestry is generally classed as an alternative investment, it is increasingly being regarded as one of the safer asset class investments as it shows resilience through periods of economic uncertainty. The fact that trees increase in volume by between 2 and 8 per cent per year demonstrates tangible growth and a safe haven for investors when stock markets continue to display volatility and interest rates on savings accounts remain low.

The relatively low risk factor of investing in timberland has been attracting many large funds into the industry, as investment managers are aware of several economic drivers that will keep demand for wood and timber products high over the medium term. Not least of which is the huge year-on-year increase in Chinese reliance on timber imports as local production fails to meet the demand caused by the relentless growth of the country’s cities.

Greenwood Management has targeted Brazil for many of its forestry projects as the country not only enjoys scale of access to international markets, but has considerable local demand for wood products. This demand is bolstered by the reliance of Brazil’s huge steel industry on sustainably produced charcoal to fuel its furnaces.


Em tempos de crise, acaba de nascer um novo jornal português que permite aos seus leitores conhecer melhor justamente estes tempos de crise, geralmente tão mal explicados pelos média.



Monsanto, 2008, Txumu (flickr)

Andrew Jones 2009

Monsanto, 2009, Andrew Jones (flickr)

Joao Leitao 2012-3

Monsanto, 2012, João Leitão (flickr)

Joao Leitao 2012

Monsanto, 2012, João Leitão (flickr)

Joao Leitao 2012-2

Monsanto, 2012, João Leitão (flickr)

JP Nogueira 2009

Monsanto, 2009, JP Nogueira (flickr)

Karlos Garciapons 2012

Monsanto, 2012, Karlos Garciapons (flickr)


Monsanto, 2013, Moacirdsp (flickr)

Por estes dias, em frente ao Parlamento:

As grades anti-povo

As grades anti-povo, Lisboa, 2013, Pedro Duarte



… a maior promotora de desigualdades sociais da contemporaneidade.

Foi-se, a musa inspiradora dos muitos Cavacos que, mundo fora, colocam os territórios à mercê das máfias financeiras.

Foi-se, aquela que escancarou as nossas paisagens ao capital anónimo, o qual desde então devora, uma por uma, todas elas.

Foi-se, e não volta mais!

[via Filipa Lopes]

Editorial do Le Monde (sublinhados meus):

Le système offshore, cet ennemi patenté de la démocratie

Photographie d'une agence de la First Bank, un établissement bancaire situé à Antigua, extraite de la série "Offshore", de Philippe Durand, réalisée dans divers paradis fiscaux des Caraïbes.

Editorial, par la directrice du Monde. Que n’avait-on entendu, au lendemain de la convulsion financière mondiale de 2007-2008 ! Les mots d’ordre claquaient: la finance internationale serait mieux régulée, les paradis fiscaux impitoyablement combattus, bref, on en finirait avec les trous noirs d’un système couvrant tous les abus. Les conclusions d’un G20 tenu à Londres se voulaient très vertueuses. Les Etats de ce cénacle promettaient “des mesures contre les paradis fiscaux”, brandissaient la menace de sanctions et assuraient à tout-va que “l’époque du secret bancaire était terminée”.

Après la crise qui vient de secouer Chypre, place offshore prisée par les oligarques russes et autres amateurs d’opacité dans la gestion de leurs affaires, nous voici, en France, dans le tourbillon de l’affaire Cahuzac, un scandale d’Etat qui met en cause la probité et la transparence élémentaires réclamées de tout responsable politique, a fortiori de haut rang. L’actualité est parfois faite d’enchaînements vertigineux. Que les choses soient claires : l’enquête que Le Monde commence à publier aujourd’hui, consacrée au maquis des paradis fiscaux à l’échelle mondiale, à leur fonctionnement occulte et à leurs bénéficiaires de tous horizons, ne prend son point de départ ni dans les tumultes de Nicosie ni dans les démêlés de M. Cahuzac.

Cette investigation a été lancée voici des mois. Elle se base sur l’accès sans précédent qu’un consortium international de journalistes d’investigation a pu avoir à une gigantesque base de données, révélant les dessous du monde offshore. 2,5 millions de fichiers ont été épluchés, comparés, recoupés. Le résultat : la mise à nu du maillage tentaculaire de la finance de l’ombre. Dans cette masse de documents, deux banques françaises sont mentionnées. Ainsi que l’ancien trésorier de la campagne de François Hollande en 2012, Jean-Jacques Augier, qui assure ne rien avoir fait d’illégal en recourant, pour un partenaire chinois, à des montages offshore.L’exposition de cas individuels, aussi saisissants soient-ils, ne doit pas masquer le fond du problème : les paradis fiscaux sont une menace pour la démocratie. Ils minent l’état de droit en jouant sur la dissimulation. Ils sont l’aubaine absolue des fraudeurs de tous bords. Ils favorisent le détournement de richesses publiques dans les Etats où fleurissent concussion et corruption. Dans cet univers de créativité juridique semble-t-il illimitée, ce sont des sommes colossales qui se cachent derrière des sociétés écrans. De riches particuliers y détiendraient au total, l’équivalent des PIB des Etats-Unis et du Japon additionnés. Nul ne pourra prétendre, à la lumière de cette enquête, que les dirigeants politiques, malgré leurs dires, se soient donné les véritables moyens d’agir. Il est urgent de renforcer les règles, les moyens de contrôle, la coopération transfrontalière. La lutte contre le blanchiment passe par là. Et les banques occidentales amatrices de schémas opaques pourront difficilement faire l’économie de réponses claires. Du moins si elles veulent que, à l’heure de la crise, crédit soit accordé à leurs professions de foi sur l'”éthique”.


Natalie Nougayrède

Artigo no The Guardian (sublinhados meus):


Leaks reveal secrets of the rich who hide cash offshore

Exclusive: Offshore financial industry leak exposes identities of 1,000s of holders of anonymous wealth from around the world

British Virgin Islands

Millions of internal records have leaked from Britain’s offshore financial industry, exposing for the first time the identities of thousands of holders of anonymous wealth from around the world, from presidents to plutocrats, the daughter of a notorious dictator and a British millionaire accused of concealing assets from his ex-wife.

The leak of 2m emails and other documents, mainly from the offshore haven of the British Virgin Islands (BVI), has the potential to cause a seismic shock worldwide to the booming offshore trade, with a former chief economist at McKinsey estimating that wealthy individuals may have as much as $32tn (£21tn) stashed in overseas havens.

In France, Jean-Jacques Augier, President François Hollande’s campaign co-treasurer and close friend, has been forced to publicly identify his Chinese business partner. It emerges as Hollande is mired in financial scandal because his former budget minister concealed a Swiss bank account for 20 years and repeatedly lied about it.

In Mongolia, the country’s former finance minister and deputy speaker of its parliament says he may have to resign from politics as a result of this investigation.

But the two can now be named for the first time because of their use of companies in offshore havens, particularly in the British Virgin Islands, where owners’ identities normally remain secret.

The names have been unearthed in a novel project by the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists [ICIJ], in collaboration with the Guardian and other international media, who are jointly publishing their research results this week.

The naming project may be extremely damaging for confidence among the world’s wealthiest people, no longer certain that the size of their fortunes remains hidden from governments and from their neighbours.

BVI’s clients include Scot Young, a millionaire associate of deceased oligarch Boris Berezovsky. Dundee-born Young is in jail for contempt of court for concealing assets from his ex-wife.

Young’s lawyer, to whom he signed over power of attorney, appears to control interests in a BVI company that owns a potentially lucrative Moscow development with a value estimated at $100m.

Another is jailed fraudster Achilleas Kallakis. He used fake BVI companies to obtain a record-breaking £750m in property loans from reckless British and Irish banks.

As well as Britons hiding wealth offshore, an extraordinary array of government officials and rich families across the world are identified, from Canada, the US, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iran, China, Thailand and former communist states.

The data seen by the Guardian shows that their secret companies are based mainly in the British Virgin Islands.

Sample offshore owners named in the leaked files include:

• Jean-Jacques Augier, François Hollande’s 2012 election campaign co-treasurer, launched a Caymans-based distributor in China with a 25% partner in a BVI company. Augier says his partner was Xi Shu, a Chinese businessman.

• Mongolia’s former finance minister. Bayartsogt Sangajav set up “Legend Plus Capital Ltd” with a Swiss bank account, while he served as finance minister of the impoverished state from 2008 to 2012. He says it was “a mistake” not to declare it, and says “I probably should consider resigning from my position”.

• The president of Azerbaijan and his family. A local construction magnate, Hassan Gozal, controls entities set up in the names of President Ilham Aliyev’s two daughters.

• The wife of Russia’s deputy prime minister. Olga Shuvalova’s husband, businessman and politician Igor Shuvalov, has denied allegations of wrongdoing about her offshore interests.

•A senator’s husband in Canada. Lawyer Tony Merchant deposited more than US$800,000 into an offshore trust.

He paid fees in cash and ordered written communication to be “kept to a minimum”.

• A dictator’s child in the Philippines: Maria Imelda Marcos Manotoc, a provincial governor, is the eldest daughter of former President Ferdinand Marcos, notorious for corruption.

• Spain’s wealthiest art collector, Baroness Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza, a former beauty queen and widow of a Thyssen steel billionaire, who uses offshore entities to buy pictures.

• US: Offshore clients include Denise Rich, ex-wife of notorious oil trader Marc Rich, who was controversially pardoned by President Clinton on tax evasion charges. She put $144m into the Dry Trust, set up in the Cook Islands.

It is estimated that more than $20tn acquired by wealthy individuals could lie in offshore accounts. The UK-controlled BVI has been the most successful among the mushrooming secrecy havens that cater for them.

The Caribbean micro-state has incorporated more than a million such offshore entities since it began marketing itself worldwide in the 1980s. Owners’ true identities are never revealed.

Even the island’s official financial regulators normally have no idea who is behind them.

The British Foreign Office depends on the BVI’s company licensing revenue to subsidise this residual outpost of empire, while lawyers and accountants in the City of London benefit from a lucrative trade as intermediaries.

They claim the tax-free offshore companies provide legitimate privacy. Neil Smith, the financial secretary of the autonomous local administration in the BVI’s capital Tortola, told the Guardian it was very inaccurate to claim the island “harbours the ethically challenged”.

He said: “Our legislation provides a more hostile environment for illegality than most jurisdictions”.

Smith added that in “rare instances …where the BVI was implicated in illegal activity by association or otherwise, we responded swiftly and decisively”.

The Guardian and ICIJ’s Offshore Secrets series last year exposed how UK property empires have been built up by, among others, Russian oligarchs, fraudsters and tax avoiders, using BVI companies behind a screen of sham directors.

Such so-called “nominees”, Britons giving far-flung addresses on Nevis in the Caribbean, Dubai or the Seychelles, are simply renting out their names for the real owners to hide behind.

The whistleblowing group WikiLeaks caused a storm of controversy in 2010 when it was able to download almost two gigabytes of leaked US military and diplomatic files.

The new BVI data, by contrast, contains more than 200 gigabytes, covering more than a decade of financial information about the global transactions of BVI private incorporation agencies. It also includes data on their offshoots in Singapore, Hong Kong and the Cook Islands in the Pacific.

The Guardian


Ocasião para podermos constatar a validade de uma tese de Debord, sobre o ‘segredo generalizado’ que domina a sociedade espectacular:

E porque as novas condições dum manejo proveitoso dos assuntos económicos o exigem imperativamente, no momento em que o Estado detém uma parte hegemónica na orientação da produção e onde a procura para todas as mercadorias depende estreitamente da centralização realizada na informação-incitação espectacular, à qual deverão também adaptar-se as formas de distribuição, que por todo o lado se vê constituírem-se redes de influência ou sociedades secretas. Não é mais que um produto natural do movimento de concentração de capitais, da produção, da distribuição. Nesta matéria, aquilo que não se estende deve desaparecer; e nenhuma empresa pode estender-se sem os valores, as técnicas, os meios, daquilo que são hoje a indústria, o espectáculo, o Estado. Em última análise é o desenvolvimento particular escolhido pela economia da nossa época, que vem impor por toda a parte a formação de novos laços pessoais de dependência e de protecção.
É justamente neste ponto que reside a profunda verdade desta fórmula, tão bem compreendida em toda a Itália, usada pela Mafia siciliana: «Quem tem dinheiro e amigos ri-se da Justiça». No espectacular integrado, as leis dormem; porque não foram feitas para as novas técnicas de produção, e porque elas são torneadas na distribuição por acordos de um tipo novo. O que pensa ou prefere o público não tem importância. Eis o que é escondido pelo espectáculo de tantas sondagens de opinião, de eleições, de restruturações modernizantes. Quem quer que sejam os vencedores, o menos bom será arrebatado pela amável clientela: já que terá sido exactamente isso que foi produzido para ela.
Só se fala continuamente de «Estado de Direito», a partir do momento em que o Estado moderno dito democrático deixou em geral de o ser. Não é de modo nenhum por acaso que a expressão só foi popularizada pouco depois de 1970 e, em primeiro lugar, justamente em Itália. Em muitos domínios, fazem-se mesmo leis precisamente para que sejam torneadas, por aqueles que justamente possuirão todos os meios para isso. A ilegalidade em certas circunstâncias, por exemplo, à volta do comércio mundial de todo o tipo de armamentos, e mais frequentemente envolvendo produtos da mais alta tecnologia, não é mais que uma espécie de força de apoio da operação económica, que se encontrará muito mais rentável. Hoje muitos negócios são necessariamente desonestos como o século, e não como eram outrora aqueles que praticavam, em séries claramente delimitadas, os homens que tinham escolhido os caminhos da desonestidade.”
[Capítulo XXVI dos Comentários sobre a Sociedade do Espectáculo]